Are the defenders of Anti-semitism losing their edge?

By:  Debbie Menom

A year ago, Americans were reluctant to discuss Zionism or anti-Zionism or read the stuff, even “moderate Arabs and Muslims” (whatever that means) , shied away from the communities around these two camps and lacked the strength to support the few that might have had, the guts to stand up and confront real controversy.

There are hundreds of journalists who would not want to go within twenty miles of an anti-Zionist for fear of being castigated as questionable and “controversial characters” because this was how most of the rest of the Industry responds to them (the Messenger) against what had become a very successful adhominem attack intended to destroy their effectiveness by attacking their credibility. He is an… (fill in the blanks with any epithet you wish to choose from the (Anti Defamation League ) ADL’s List Of Epithets Recommended For Use In Order To Destroy The Credibility of Critics.

Therefore, one could rarely ever quote or identify an anti-Zionist, eg: Israel Shamir, but simply crib from his message, the truth and logic of his arguments, and present them as a weapon in defense of the truth.

On the other hand, American-Israeli academicians and historians have spent a lifetime knowingly or unknowingly academically helping the Zionists. Now in the past one year there seems to be a growing awareness in the U.S. and the world and ADL (Anti Defamation League) have started crying Wolf LOUD… “anti-semitism” as they call it has been on the rise. It is obviously NOT anti-Semitism, even though they have always called it that and, for decades it has successfully stilled a lot of legitimate criticism of Israel’s policies. I think the world is becoming aware that this is not Anti-Semitism, anti-racism, or any of the bigotry terms which ADL, The Simon Wiesenthal Centre, and the other “defenders,” including their legal staffs who bring suit, and political arm-twisters who force legislation throughout the world have been calling it, and we are just hearing more reasonable and legitimate criticism of a system which ought to be criticised and discussed more openly in public, in the public interest.

And, I believe we are seeing and hearing more of it because more of the public are realizing this daily.

And, I also believe that the “defenders.” are screaming like stuck pigs and those “defenders” are using the only tools they know how, which have worked so well for so many years, but which are rapidly losing their edge from overuse, mis-use and abuse, the misapplied and false charges of slanderous bigotry and anti-semitism.


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