Why does the Israeli government and the Israeli public support the building of the Wall?

The Israeli government favors the Apartheid Wall because it furthers its agenda, policies, and actions of expelling the indigenous Palestinians for the colonization of land and “resettlement” of Jewish communities in “Greater Israel”. This is a clear goal of the Israeli government with the Wall, as the Wall carves away massive amounts of land in the West Bank, creating the largest single annexation of land since the 1967 Occupation; when completed, the Wall will leave less than 12% of historic Palestine for the indigenous population. Through building the Wall the Israeli government is pressing on with the forced expulsion of Palestinians from their land; the Wall attacks all aspects of Palestinian life-the loss of land and water, demolition of markets and homes, restriction to movement, education and medical care-thus making subsistence and survival difficult if not impossible and maximizing for Israel the sought after results summarized best in the Zionist adage of “more land, fewer people”. The Wall “demographically contains” those Palestinians which “remain” into ghettos in the West Bank (as also in the Gaza Strip), which serves and propagates Israel’s façade of “security” for colonization of Palestinian land.

The majority of the Israeli public has supported the Wall, following the pretext of “security”. The idea of unilateral separation appeals greatly to those in their society who do not want to admit or take responsibility for their government’s racist actions. In a poll conducted in June 2002 by Ma’ariv found that 69% of the Israeli public supported the Wall, at a time when the majority of the settlers still opposed it. The Israeli settlers in the West Bank have since begun to be in favor of the Wall, as it became evident that the majority of their settlements would be included in the “Israeli side” of the Wall.

More information is given in Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Fact Sheet: The Apartheid Wall.

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