Basic History
1967 – 2004
Originating from Israeli encroachments on Arab owned lands, the 1967 war broke out between Israel and its Arab neighbors as Israel launched a blitzkrieg against the Egyptian air force 2 days before the Egyptian Vice President was to visit the United States. Israel initially claimed their attack was retaliatory to an Egyptian attack. Within a month however, Israel admitted as to launching the first strike. Although a number of Arab countries were involved in the war, Israel’s claim of feeling threatened has been widely questioned. A number of senior Israeli military and political figures have subsequently admitted that Israel was...
1982 Lebanon War
6 June, 1982 Israel invades and occupies southern Lebanon. 1 September, 1982 Under international guarantees of safety, the PLO leaves Lebanon as a result of tremendous civilian casualties by Israel. It is estimated that in the first 2 weeks alone, 15,000 civilians were killed by Israeli bombs. From the standpoint of Israel, the invasion led to minimal success having only removed the PLO presence from South Lebanon and destroying the South Lebanon infrastructure....
First Intifadah (Uprising) 1987
December Following and Israeli Army truck intentionally running into a group of Palestinian youth, killing 4 and injuring 7 in the Jabalya refugee camp in Gaza, a national uprising began against the occupation consisting of daily riots 18 December Israel troops kill two and injure 20 Muslims as they leave a Friday religious service. Israeli troops then enter Shifa Hospital in Gaza beating nurses and doctors and dragging off injured Palestinians. Televised beatings and killings of unarmed Palestinians by Israeli troops bring protest worldwide. By the end of the intifadah 1,283 Palestinians were killed, 130,472 injured, 481 expelled, 22,088 held...
Oslo Accords
13 September 1993 Oslo Accords (having been finalized in August) signed in Washington DC ending the Intifadah and forming a framework for future relations between the parties. PLO recognizes Israel’s right to exist and Israel affirms the Palestinian right to self government with the plan that Israel withdraw from the territories they illegally occupy. Needless to say, Israel never honored their side of the deal. 1995 Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assassinated by an Israeli Jew opposed to the Oslo Accords....
Wye River memorandum
November 1998 Named that because it was negotiated at Wye River, Maryland, these meetings took place to restore a breakdown in the talks of the Oslo Accords and restore promises not kept by the Israelis. Deal almost falls through on the last day of negotiations when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu asked US President Bill Clinton to release Jonathan Pollard, a Jewish American naval intelligence officer who had been serving a life sentence for giving classified information to Israel. 1999 Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu suspends Wye River Agreement (once again reinforcing the fact that Israel has no intention to make peace)...
Al Aqsa Provocation
28 September 2000 Politically motivated, Israeli Opposition leader Ariel Sharon, surrounded by his bodyguards and hundreds of Israeli riot police go to the Al Aqsa mosque fully aware such an act would result in violence as the Palestinians viewed such an act as a provocation...
Second Intifadah (Al Aqsa Intifadah)
29 September 2000-Present After Sharon’s incursion on Al Aqsa mosque, the second uprising began, often referred to as Al Aqsa Intifadah Over 4,500 Palestinians killed and 1,000 Israelis to date. 25 January 2006-Present Palestine Legislative Council elections held under the watchful eye of international observers whereby Hamas won the majority of the 74 seats. Western leaders, by direction of the United States attempts to starve out Hamas as illegitimate despite their being democratically elected....
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